Advice For Writing and Life

This is what I want to do today

This is what I want to do today

Okay, I finally admit it. I’m ill. I went to bed at 8pm last night and slept until hubbie came to bed at midnight. Then I popped a pill to make sure I’d get back to sleep. And didn’t. There’s nothing worse than your body being asleep when your mind is wide awake and all around you the house is coughing like every occupant smokes 40 a day. (We don’t. We’re all ill.)

I would have written a post then, but I was drugged so could only lie awake and worry about life and fume that I’d had a fourth failed delivery from the crap company I had the utter misfortune to choose to deliver my daughter’s new bed.

So this morning I’m taking time to be ill. After the school run I’m heading back to bed. So I am utilising the blog network for today’s post. Here are five great articles to help with writing and life:

1. 10 Foundational Writing Practices – Charlotte Rains Dixon: the importance of getting the basics right. My favourite three are Move your Body; Calm your Mind; Stay Positive

2. The Simple Joy of Slogging Through to the End – Speak Happiness: an old post on the satisfaction of finishing a difficult task. I’m hoping I’ll feel like that when (if) my daughter’s bed finally arrives and I’ve managed not to break anything or anyone in my anger at the company’s sheer incompetence.

3. “Days are Lost Lamenting over Lost Days” – another from Speak Happiness: this explores a quote attributed to Goethe. A very interesting read. The full quote is:

Then indecision brings its own delays,
And days are lost lamenting over lost days.
Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute;
What you can do, or dream you can do, begin it;
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.

4. Why Doing a Jigsaw Puzzle is a Bit Like Writing A Book – Debbie Young: looking at the ways assembling a jigsaw puzzle is like writing a book. As I’m in the difficult stage of redrafting Class Act, trying to make sure all the pieces fit together and the whole picture looks right, this struck a chord. Especially these points:

  • No matter how carefully you prepare the component parts – the corners, the edges, all the pieces with blue sky or Persian carpet or Delft tiles or pink flowers – the assembly of the puzzle never goes entirely according to plan.
  • When daunted by what seems like an insurmountably difficult section, you realise that if you only apply yourself, one piece at a time, you really can conquer the challenge.
  • Sometimes it works best if you switch your conscious mind off for a bit and let the subconscious take over.

5. In Defense of Pantsing – Jami Gold: because Pantsers can write novels too, as long as we remember to apply structure and story beats during redrafting. Enough said!

Right. Back to bed.

9 thoughts on “Advice For Writing and Life

  1. Poor you! Switch off and get well soon. Funnily enough, I often find that on the rare occasion I’m poorly enough to take to my bed, as soon as I’m better my imagination seems to spring into action, having benefited from the enforced mental rest, and great things (well, relatively!) happen! Though not unwell, I had a restless night too last night, with weird dreams e.g. having 15 animals delivered to our home. I could cope with the cat and didn’t mind the dog, but was very worried about the wolf, the bear, and jumping biting insects, which I had to lock in the utility room. Was VERY relieved to wake up and discovered that it wasn’t true (though I did find two toy wombats in my bed, courtesy of my daughter! Get well soon x

    • I was going to try and write a few blog posts as I have my daughter’s birthday party this weekend, but I’m taking your advice at watching Homes Under the Hammer instead!
      I hate those scary dreams – I dreamed I had head lice the size of beetles the other night (head lice is a constant fear now daughter’s at school!) and I couldn’t shake the itchy creepy feeling for ages. I keep meaning to start writing my dreams into creepy short stories but I’m not much good at short fiction or horror!

  2. I particularly feel your pain. I spent last weekend in bed. Shut down the computer, close the curtains, turn out the lights and sleep well.

    Hope you feel much better soon. 😉



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